Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms


The construction of wind farms has been big business for a number of years now as governments and companies realise how important it is to look to a future of sustainable and renewable energy. During the construction phase of wind turbines and the entire complex of an offshore wind farm there are a number of processes, safety procedures and products that can help things run smoothly and securely. Once that has completed though, it is important that the maintenance of the wind turbine structure is not forgotten as this can lead to problems further down the line.

Maintain Effectiveness of Wind Turbines – As with any piece of machinery the more you use something the faster it will wear down. If you just leave an offshore wind farm to run and run without checking it the levels of effectiveness will start to decrease. In order to maximise the output of each turbine and to extend the life of the entire offshore wind farm it is vitally important to have in place a regular maintenance and check-up of wind turbines. That way there is never a nasty surprise further down the line and you can stay on top of keeping the project on a profitable course.

Have a Crew of Technicians in Place – This maintenance routine should include the services of expert technicians who understand what to look for and how to make a wind turbine tick over in the most effective way possible. Some projects will have on-site technicians at hand for any problems that may arise, with others preferring to have technicians at hand in the local area to visit, maintain and be on call for any emergency repairs that are required.

A Full and Thorough Check Up – Much like when you send your car in for an MOT, a check up of an offshore wind farm should be as thorough as possible. The safety and control systems of the wind turbine should be in fully functioning order to ensure that everyone is safe. A detailed checklist will cover all items and functions on board from the littlest screws to be tightened, right up to the running of all overall electrical and mechanical systems.

Constant Monitoring – The hands on checks and maintenance are important to fix any problems and be proactive in tweaking approaches before a problem arises. One way in which this process is improved is by the constant monitoring of all systems relating to the offshore wind farm. That way the tracking of all systems, the movement of personnel and vessels can be analysed and marine coordinators can make sure that not only does the whole project continue to run smoothly, but that it does so in the safest possible manner.

The maintenance of offshore wind farms is important to ensure that the projects remain functioning to the highest possible standards for a long time. Having in place maintenance operatives and schedules, as well as an effective monitoring system goes some way to ensuring this.

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