Why a DBS Check can be Important


What is known as security vetting is the examination of someone’s background in order to make sure that the person can be safely trusted to hold particular occupations or know about certain secret information. The procedure can differ quite a lot depending on what the reasons are behind the vetting, but usually it will involve things such as background checks and assessments of competency. Often, people find the idea of a security investigation somewhat unpleasant due to the fact that many aspects of their private lives are usually put under a level of scrutiny.

The main thing that is usually examined during vetting is the possibility of any past criminal behaviour. This will include any previous criminal convictions on a person’s record, and it may also involve a further investigation into making sure that someone isn’t presently engaged in any kind of secret questionable behaviour. For instance, what is known as an “enhanced DBS check” is carried out as a screening process for individuals who are applying for work with children and vulnerable adults. There is also what is known as DBS tracking, which can be done by the applicant, the employer or the registered umbrella body who processed the application in order to track the progress of an application, should any such need be deemed necessary.

Covering all Corners

An additional concern during most security vetting procedures is someone’s lifestyle and habits. The investigation will look for things such as drug problems or a history of unreliable conduct. For instance, should a person have a long history of financial difficulties, a company that is hiring for security-sensitive employment may be somewhat concerned about his or her susceptibility to bribery, especially if the person were to find him or herself in financial trouble of some sort?

During some security vetting investigations, there may have to be interviews with members of the applicants’ family and friends, and at times, these interviews might even have to delve into very private issues that have nothing to do with the applicant. This occurs because there is often some concern that people around the applicant may have questionable backgrounds and may find some way to compromise the applicant and get hold of secret data. Studying an applicant’s social contacts also provides a broader idea of who the applicant is on a more personal level, which can at times be an important concern.

Sensitive Nature of Information

Many kinds of employment may necessitate a security vetting process and this is true in things such as intelligence personnel and other government-oriented security jobs. There are also other kinds of work in private industry which will require people to undergo some level of vetting for a number of different reasons. The non-invasive feature of vetting is usually related to the sensitive nature of any information someone will have access to. In the case of less sensitive jobs, it may be as easy as a quick criminal background check, while some others may require months under investigation.

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