Why Your Business Should Use an External Shredding Company


One of the tasks your business should consider outsourcing is that of the confidential shredding of business documents that have become paper waste, no longer pertinent to your company needs and requirements. Outsourcing has become a buzzword within many industries and rightly so. By hiring an external team to perform a task that your staff might not understand fully or be able to conduct effectively you can hire the best for the job and focus your team on what they are good at. The shredding of business documents provides you with the opportunity to dispose of important physical documents from your office environment that are no longer needed, adhering to data privacy laws and adding to your green credentials through the recycling of the shredded paper.

So what are the reasons behind shredding your business documents using the expertise of an external company with the credentials to provide a secure and regular shredding service?

Comply with Data Privacy Laws and Regulations – To comply with current data privacy laws in the UK you are only allowed to hold on to certain types of information relating to the personal and financial aspects of your employees, suppliers and customers for as long as they remain pertinent to your company operations. External shredding services will collect your paper waste from a sealed cabinet and then taken to a secure location close by. No one will see the paper inside the cabinet so the information contained within is safe from prying eyes.

Certificate of Destruction – To add to this an external shredding company will provide you with evidence that your paper waste has been securely and privately destroyed. A certificate of destruction shows you that your sensitive information has been taken to a secure off-site location and that the paper waste has only been removed from the locked cabinet at the last moment when it is about to be shredded. This is performed under CCTV and within 24 hours of being collected from your place of work. This certificate of destruction provides you with a legal safety net in the event of future legal disputes.

Recyclable Materials – All modern companies want to boost their green credentials and by shredding your business paper waste you are committing to a culture of recycling. An external shredding company will shred your documents and then ensure it is used for recycling rather than being sent off and disposed of in a landfill with regular waste.

The other major benefit to using the services of an external shredding company is that it negates the need to purchase shredding machines and to train up staff members to shred. This is time and money that could be better utilised in more profitable areas of your business. Research to find a local company that provides a secure shredding service for your office paper waste.

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