How To Keep The Tools Of Your Trade Safe


Anyone who has set up their own business that requires expensive tools will tell you that keeping those tools safe from theft can be a bit of a headache. Due to their value, they can be a target for any thief who is willing to take the opportunity to try and steal them and that can create all kinds of problems for the owner.

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Losing the tools and equipment from which you earn your living can have a serious impact on the business. Not only will it inconvenience customers or clients, but even if you are fully insured then you are likely to have a hefty excess to pay which could amount to several hundred pounds or so. Add to that the loss of earnings and it’s clear you need to try and take preventative measures wherever you can.

Tools Of Trade Safe

One way is to make sure you never leave the van or vehicle unattended. Always lock the door even if you are going to be away for just a couple of minutes. Of course there will be times when you need to leave your tools in the van, and to make sure they are safe consider fitting a Van Door Lock And Hasp available from a company like Edwardes Bros. These van door locks are designed with security in mind and feature integral walls that will protect the hardened steel lock making it difficult to attack it. It can be easily fit to almost all trucks and vans with either hinged or sliding doors as well as containers and trailers too. These locks are also suitable to fit to a garage or lock up if you need a secure place to store things when not out in the van. They come complete with the required number of coach bolts for fitting and two keys as standard and if you do happen to lose the keys then replacement locks are available.

locks are available

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